Saturday 20 August 2011


I've not really got much to say tonight.  Well, I have but nothing I particularly want to share.... maybe another day.

Keeping it light.

My mum had Thomas overnight last night, that left an adult only evening .... sadly the content involved watching The Inbetweeners and sleep early.

Anyway, for a bit of relaxation I decided to take my camera round Walsall and the gallery for a bit of snapping.

Friday 19 August 2011


The ruins of an old house stand
Without a roof, on muddy land,
Each window is a sightless eye
Staring at the city sky.
Locks are broken, every wall
Looks as if about to fall.
The people who lived here, they say,
Just packed up and went away.
And once when I was playing there
Halfway up the curving stair
I thought I heard a laughing sound
Coming from the trampled ground.
        Leonard Clark

Monday 15 August 2011

First Day Back

Well .....  I did it!  I went back, I can't believe I did it.  There were times when I never thought I'd get through the front door.

I was supposed to be in work for 09:00 but after a pretty sleepless, actually no sleep at all, I went in 2 hours late and did 'the walk of shame'.

I survived!  Nobody stared, everyone was pleasant enough and it wasn't the nightmare that I had imagined it to be.  Anxiety and depression breed paranoia, it's just nice to have the moment of clarity that is needed to make the life changes.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Back to Work/Anxiety Army

7 weeks, yes 7 weeks off work due to depression.  I made the big step last week of deciding to return to work.

So that's it, I met my manager and a phased return has been discussed and agreed for next week.

I'm not sure how I'm feeling about it yet.  I think I've actually pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind.  I don't have to deal with the anxiety.  No doubt as soon as my head hits the pillow this evening, they'll come racing to the front and crash into thoughts keeping me awake.

I have some sleeping tablets, the only downside or risk in taking them is sometimes they're a little too strong, even half and I'll sleep through my alarm.  This is another little critter that has been added to my anxiety army.

I've spent this evening playing Pioneer Trail on Facebook, it's pretty mundane but it's enough to keep the feelings at bay.  Unfortunately it's pretty buggy due to a big update and I've hit a stalemate.  I thought I'd come on here and write a quick blog instead of hitting panic stations.


Physically I feel pretty calm, I do have a massive urge to eat and eat though.  This is usually a pretty good sign that I'm feeling anxious.

My husband  has gone to the gym to relieve a little bit of stress.  He didn't finish work until 10pm and goes straight after.  The house is very quiet as Thomas is in bed, actually I tell a lie, the cats are 'playing' which involves taking big hairy chunks out of each other. Oh well, it'll give Adrian something to clean up in the morning.

I've spent hours reading about DSLR cameras and techniques, I do own a Canon 1000D but I've not got enough confidence to go out into public and snap away.  I've limited myself to friends kids parties and the park.   The problem is I read and read then I realise it's dark so I can't really have a play with the settings, I'll need to get myself a couple of magazines and get out and about.


We're Silverstone next weekend so I may purchase a tripod and have a go, nobody is going to judge me, are they?  (again, another anxiety critter)

Monday 8 August 2011

Birmingham Riots 2011

Birmingham Riots 2011

Not much really to say.  Anyone that has been watching the news in the UK will no doubt be as shocked and disgusted as I am.

I'm not really wanting to do down the news/politics type blog route  but this had to get a tiny little mention.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Drayton Manor

This weekend we took a trip to Drayton Manor.  It's been a couple of years since we've been, last time it was Thomas's 3rd Birthday and only Thomas Land was open.

We decided to print off the 2-for-1 voucher,  so the cost for 2 adults and a 4 year old was £57.  Me and Adrian visited Alton Towers a few weeks ago, childless and paid £35 for the 2 of us.

I would however say that Drayton Manor is better value for money for a family.  Afterall you have the thrill rides, the height restrictions are 1.2/1.4 meters for these.  You also have the family type rides like Splash Canyon (rapids) and the new Ben 10 Roller Coaster.  My son absolutely loved this and we had to ride it 3 times.   I would say that it's not quite got the 'thrill' of a normal coaster but for a little kid he thought it was great.

The zoo is also part of the admission price, this is pretty well maintained and even has some gorgeous tigers!

As for eating in the park, we decided to picnic, there are plenty of green spaces and benches.  For those who want to purchase food at the park, there are plenty of restaurant choices, this is fairly new as historically Drayton Manor was pretty poor for choice.

Overall I prefer Drayton Manor to Alton Towers for a child, not so much walking, queues are pretty reasonable and the rides for kids are pretty good.  On the negative, Alton Towers do have better coasters and thrill rides, this is mainly due to the planning restrictions for Drayton Manor as they are situation on the edge of a residential area in Tamworth.  Some of the rides at Drayton Manor also need updating.   The Pirate Adventure is pretty run down, most of the animatronics no longer work and after a fire the hologram at the end of the ride is boarded up.

We also had a peek at the new hotel, which is due to open any day... hopfully this will attract more visitors to the park and encourage expansion which I feel it neeeds.

Birthday Party 6th of August

Fun in the sun.  We attended a 5th Birthday Party today ... Alexa.  As you can see from the pic she had the most gorgeous pink castle cake.

We had fun with bouncy castles, big enough for the adults.  Candy floss, balloon making, popcorn and even a surprise guest.

Face painting had to be my absolute favourite.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

For those who are interested in photography, I've found a brilliant little app on Google Chrome for post processing.




Well, my ongoing depression/anxiety has reared its ugly head YET again.  I'm sat here wide away at 05:30 and I've not slept.  

My Dr's note for work ran out Friday and I've been really naughty and not rang them.  Looks like I've lost another job.  Unfortunately the anxiety has taken hold, it's an irrational fear of calling in sick that's stopped me. 

Now, the current dilemma .... to sleep or not to sleep.